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Sous Vide is a French cooking technique, which translates to “under vacuum." In this technique food is vacuum-sealed in a cooking pouch and heated up at a precise temperature in a water oven. Instead of relying on perfect timing, sous vide relies on precise temperature control. You simply set the machine and can expect the technique to deliver consistent, perfect results. Foods cooked sous vide develop flavors and textures that simply cannot be duplicated using any other traditional cooking method.

Incredible Taste With Foolproof Results

Natural flavor and juices are infused into the food while in the cooking pouch resulting in incomparable flavors and texture. The precise temperature control results in perfectly cooked food. Just set it and walk away.

No Mess. No Fuss. No Waste.

The SousVide Supreme is beautiful countertop unit without all the mess, parts, pots, accessories, or cleanup of other sous vide products on the market. Everything is ready when you are.

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Simple Sous Vide in 3 Easy Steps


1. Season

Season food with your favorite herbs and spices or use one of our special sous vide supreme blend of premium spices.

2. Seal

Then vacuum seal foods in a food grade cooking pouch free of BPA, phthalates, and lead with a chamber or handheld vacuum sealer.

3. Sous Vide

Drop the sealed packages into the water oven or circulator pot to cook. The water oven does most of the work itself. Just set and walk away!

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Sous Vide : The Cookbook Sous Vide : The Cookbook
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豆荚加速器首页 SousVide for the Home Cook - Cookbook
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SousVide for the Home Cook - Cookbook
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Sous Vide Holiday Cookbook Sous Vide Holiday Cookbook
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Sous Vide Cocktails Cookbook
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Sous vide … You’ve heard it mentioned on cooking shows and you suspect your favorite steak restaurant has been cooking sous vide behind those closed kitchen doors. If you are on the fence and toying with the idea of buying a SousVide Supreme, here are just a few reasons why your home needs one.



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